Things we won't be doing anytime soon
The COVID-19 pandemic has definitely changed the way we're living today and in the foreseeable future. The highly contagious silent killer has already affected millions worldwide and left hundreds of thousands dead. Since my immune system has been weak which triggered my Bell's palsy a year ago, I have not gone out for more than 2 months now. My sister has been the "tribute" in our household and I just feel sorry for her that she's forced to do the errands and take care of my sick aunt at the same time, all while also working from home.
Anyway, just a random thought crossed my mind about the communal activities in the Philippines that we won't be doing anytime soon given the cesspool of germs you'd probably get:
(1) Boodle Fight
I probably only did this twice in my life, the most recent one was probably 8 years ago, after our house-building CSR activity in partnership with Gawad Kalinga. Though it was fun and initially nice to look at before the eating begins, it's undeniable that bacteria and viruses are just brimming on this spread. People are eating with their hands, putting them in their mouths, and their saliva and droplets could be easily transferred from their mouths to their hands down to the food shared with other people. Yikes.

(2) "Tagay" Drinking Session
I used to do this when I was younger. You know, those years of being "young, wild and free" as my former life anthem goes. I have to admit, drinking from a single shot glass with my friends was quite fun, and in a way, you develop a certain bond sharing saliva while being inebriated. Then when you get sober, you'd be grossed out with what you did, thinking about sharing a glass with your friend who has halitosis. Ewww...

(3) "Lawayan kapag nausog"
This is a Philippine superstition wherein a stranger will be asked to put their saliva on the forehead of someone, typically a baby. It is believed that the stranger's "evil eye" may cause bad effects to the other person, like stomach ache, convulsion, headache, or fever. So, better spare your baby from getting that "usog"!

(4) "Trip to Jerusalem" game
Also called "Musical Chairs", "Trip to Jerusalem" is a common "parlor game" during children's birthday parties in the Philippines. Obviously, the fun comes in the not very socially-distanced set-up which could even come to a point where players sit on each other's lap if the game gets quite intense.

(5) "Suck and Blow" game
This was a popular game in the '90s, I don't know if this is still being played until now though. Its popularity was hyped by the movie, "Clueless" (1995) and I remember there was even a TV commercial about it. I only did this once when I was in grade school and I was kinda traumatized because the card fell and I kinda kissed my classmate. Ehrmmm... The idea seemed exhilarating knowing the possibility of kissing someone, which would not have been a possibility if not for the game.

It's good to reminisce the old times, but looking at this list, I would say that I'm really not going to miss any of them. These things are simply not part of my lifestyle and beliefs anymore.
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Anyway, just a random thought crossed my mind about the communal activities in the Philippines that we won't be doing anytime soon given the cesspool of germs you'd probably get:
(1) Boodle Fight
I probably only did this twice in my life, the most recent one was probably 8 years ago, after our house-building CSR activity in partnership with Gawad Kalinga. Though it was fun and initially nice to look at before the eating begins, it's undeniable that bacteria and viruses are just brimming on this spread. People are eating with their hands, putting them in their mouths, and their saliva and droplets could be easily transferred from their mouths to their hands down to the food shared with other people. Yikes.

(2) "Tagay" Drinking Session
I used to do this when I was younger. You know, those years of being "young, wild and free" as my former life anthem goes. I have to admit, drinking from a single shot glass with my friends was quite fun, and in a way, you develop a certain bond sharing saliva while being inebriated. Then when you get sober, you'd be grossed out with what you did, thinking about sharing a glass with your friend who has halitosis. Ewww...
(3) "Lawayan kapag nausog"
This is a Philippine superstition wherein a stranger will be asked to put their saliva on the forehead of someone, typically a baby. It is believed that the stranger's "evil eye" may cause bad effects to the other person, like stomach ache, convulsion, headache, or fever. So, better spare your baby from getting that "usog"!

(4) "Trip to Jerusalem" game
Also called "Musical Chairs", "Trip to Jerusalem" is a common "parlor game" during children's birthday parties in the Philippines. Obviously, the fun comes in the not very socially-distanced set-up which could even come to a point where players sit on each other's lap if the game gets quite intense.

(5) "Suck and Blow" game
This was a popular game in the '90s, I don't know if this is still being played until now though. Its popularity was hyped by the movie, "Clueless" (1995) and I remember there was even a TV commercial about it. I only did this once when I was in grade school and I was kinda traumatized because the card fell and I kinda kissed my classmate. Ehrmmm... The idea seemed exhilarating knowing the possibility of kissing someone, which would not have been a possibility if not for the game.

It's good to reminisce the old times, but looking at this list, I would say that I'm really not going to miss any of them. These things are simply not part of my lifestyle and beliefs anymore.
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