Crystal Beginnings

I just received the crystals I purchased from this afternoon, so I thought of creating an entry about crystals before I end the day. I started with crystals a long way back. I remember, more than a decade ago, I purchased a charm bracelet supposedly for improved wisdom and intelligence, which I wore during my blockmate’s party in a bar. I was excited to wear it for the first time because it would be a great opportunity to show off my wit as I talked to new people I would be meeting  there. However, to my disappointment, the bracelet actually had an opposite effect on me. For some reason, I was not my usual self because I could not carry any good conversation at all. I was stuttering, forgetful and looking stupid like I didn’t know anything. Mind you, I haven’t even started drinking yet! Ugh, it was really a terrible night. The day after, I vowed not to wear that bracelet ever again. From then on, I really veered away from having anything to do with charms and crystals.

A few years later, my good friend, Nescy, went to China and purchased a rose quartz bracelet. She has been using it everyday since then and at some point, she got to meet the guy who eventually became her husband a couple of years later. At the start of their relationship, she offered to pass on the luck to me since I’ve never had a boyfriend then. I was open to the idea so she gave it to me one night while we were on our way to Republiq, a defunct night club in Resorts World Manila. I wore it with excitement even though the bracelet was totally not jiving with my outfit. A good hour since we ordered our drinks, no one still seemed to notice us so I thought it would be a  “failed mission”. The night got more interesting when a fine looking Caucasian gentleman suddenly approached us. The three of us were talking a lot and we were dancing a bit, but I had the impression that his eyes were more glued to Nescy. It was already early in the morning and he had excused himself as he would be heading to an event in a few hours so he wanted to catch a bit of sleep. But before he left, I was surprised that he wanted to get my number and he asked me to add him in Facebook by giving his business card. I swooned as soon as I saw that he was actually a diplomat. OMG, an all-in-one package, how lucky could I get! I eventually left the club smiling from ear to ear, knowing that it was a “mission accomplished” and I had a good feeling that the rose quartz might have contributed to make that fateful encounter happen. I ended up falling head over heels over the guy because he was my first love, and we were together for about 9 months so I was quite devastated for 2 years since we broke up. After parting ways in early 2012, I stopped wearing the bracelet too so it had been gathering dust since then. (But surprisingly, I found it again 6 years later; I thought I already lost it, along with my feelings for the diplomat. LOL)

Fast forward to 2020, Young Living had a promo in April where an Essential Rewards order with at least 350 PV would get a free kit with Northern Lights Black Spruce essential oil (not yet available locally and a well-loved oil) and a Fluorite crystal. They promoted about it heavily through videos, infographics and online classes so it really piqued my curiosity and I thought of getting one for myself. I spent more than Php 20,000 for my order and got the crystal later that month. To be honest, I was a bit disappointed that the crystal I got was not similar to what was advertised and what other people got. The other fluorite crystals had streaks of purple, light blue/white and green, but mine was just mainly dark purple and had no trace of green. I tried to not feel bad about it because as they say, “crystals find you” so there must be a good reason why I got this kind of rainbow fluorite crystal. I wasn’t really thinking  about buying another crystal, until one day, I came across Heart Evangelista’s picture of her crystal collection. I thought this girl is living a good life and maybe crystals are also helping her attract positive energy, so I checked out the crystal seller she tagged on her post.

I was surprised to see that the fluorite crystal I got was actually relatively inexpensive. If I had known earlier, I didn’t actually need to spend Php 20k on my YL order just to get my hands on this crystal. But anyway, i already paid for it so I just have to love my fluorite and explore other crystals that could help me in other aspects of my life. Since my fluorite is tower-shaped, I was drawn towards crystals with a similar shape so that was the collection I mainly explored. After reading the descriptions, I ended up buying Sunset Sodalite, Obsidian, Phantom Quartz, and Citrine. Since the All-in-One bracelet was on sale for just Php230, I also put it in the bag. Since writing this post took a bit longer than I expected, I will just have to write about each crystal next time and just leave you with a photo of my current crystal collection. By the way, I also bought another set of crystals earlier today: Herkimer Diamond bracelet with Moldavite, Black Tourmaline bracelet, Amethyst, Green Aventurine, Clear Quartz, and Lapis Lazuli. All in all, I spent Php 10,164 for all the crystals I purchased this week, so no more additional luxuries for me for the rest of the month. Haha!

My crystal tower collection (L to R: Phantom Quartz, Citrine, Fluorite, Sunset Sodalite, Obsidian)

My crystal bracelet collection (Clockwise from left: All-in-One bracelet, Eye of Protection bracelet with Tibetan Agate, Black Onyx, Hematite, and Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz bracelet, and 7 Chakra Diffuser bracelet)


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